Saturday, April 25

School's Pure Evil

School has started
And the first week of school is almost over.
It wasn't that bad as there are so many wonderful people around me.
Though it wasn't as lively as before
Cause Jeremy, Kevin, Linzhe and Nigg could not be spotted at Gate 8 anymore.
Some left, while others graduated.
And as for Tommy,King of MIA.
Sometimes when he's bored,
he would ride on his rocket
and fly all the way
to outer space.
Reception is poor out there, what's more LONG distance calls are expensive.
So we can understand how tough it is to contact him.
The lam-nua-gang days are officially over.
It's now down to two, Bitchy (my dear Crystal) and me.
It's time for me to embrace
adopt the pathetic dull life
of a geek.

Of course.
That goes to others as well I guessed.

My Bitchy !
That's Qianhan!

Hi to Mei Fang !
And of course.
Our noble astronaut, Tommy.

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