Tommy took my calculator,
and I can't calculate how many times
Brad Pitt kissed me today.

Yesterday, I went to the pasar malam with three of my friends, one whose ears stick out, one with the buck tooth and one who will eat you if you say "Cheesseee".
Pasar malam is a food paradise.
I'm heading down to pasar malam again later.
I'm considering if I should bring Nana along..
Yes? No? Should I? Should I not?
I applied eye make up on one eye and walked around the house.
Cause I think it's very funny.
Deprived like a lao gu ma.
Actually I applied very nice lip gloss
And I'm dying to show off my kissable lips.
But my nose behaved like a big time lao gu ma's ass.
It appeared ginormous.
Like a hum ji peng on the face.
So I covered it up.
Afterall, why torture you and me?
I'm having a hard time deciding if I should cut my fringe short.
Shorter fringe supposedly makes people look younger I guess...
Okay, doesn't really make a difference on me I know.
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