Sunday, June 7

Happy Birthday..

You're finally 18, JT !

Happy Birthday Sucker.

Celebration was at Arena on Saturday. A couple of unbelievable events took place.

#1 Jude jumped into the river. (Unbelievable? Believe it.)

#2 Zhili was sloshed after helping Jt drink.

#3 Jt got tanked up too, and... (here's the best part)


Oooops. Sorry Jt. Slipped off my tongue. Can't help.


Okay. I was totally pooped out at the club cause I went out with Daniel in the late afternoon and went down to Arena straight after.

I was so worn out that I couldn't help but dozed off on the couch several times.

I was literally struggling to stay conscious.

I'm totally amazed by how energetic people like Iris and xin can be.

They were like dancing non-stop.

Dear guan yin ma..
Is this a sign of ageing?

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