Friday, May 15

Race. Racist. Racism.

I've watched Russell Peters's clips for like 2 hours straight.

Darn. This guy is god damn hilarious.

I am fucking envious by the fact that he could just bask in racism and gets away with it.

Talking about racism. Racism is fine with me. It's normal.
Some dislike japanese, while others detest the ang mohs, at the same time there are few who hate the shit out of idk....Malagasy? (people of Madagascar)

It's in me, it's in you, it's practically in everyone, be it expressed or suppressed.

However, I have always been disturbed by institutionalized racism. It's just not right.

Especially the police, they're BY RIGHT the enforcers of law. Yet we still see/heard about cases of white cops hitting the motherfucking shit of the blacks during an arrest in the States, or like police officer screaming at this particular Banglah when everyone else is jaywalking too, during Christmas at Orchard.

In every society, there's always a certain race that will be ostracised, in most cases, skin colour is the key factor.

An ang moh smiles at you, and you think, "My GOD. He's charming."

A Bangla smiles at you, and you think,

This is how unfair life can get at times.

Subconsciously, we've allowed our skin colour to determine our level of superiority in the human hierarchy.

The darkest skin tone usually falls under the pariah group. That's sad..

Come on, be fair. It's not as though my parents could pray to God each night, " Oh god, let me have an Indian baby. I had two chinese ones already.. "

You do know there's no room for bargain, chinese begets chinese. Period.

I admit I was erroneously conceptualised by my parents since young. They tend to portray horrifying image of Indians to me. Telling me how they're gonna come up from the mama shop below, catch me and sell me away if I were to continue wailing.

As i grew up, my parents started to change the scenario, telling me how dangerous it was to walk past the construction site if I were to return home late. It's as though only banglahs have dicks and sexual needs. I swear I'll marry one then.

That's stereotype. And that's mean.

We're all human of equal rights despite the fact the inevitable presence of institutionalized racism.

I may sound contradicting and so not convincing cause I once commented on how disgustingly irritating my ex-Indian project mates were. Bur that's not considered as racism. It's kinda subjective.

Moreover, people do change.

I may hate the goddamn shit
out of them the next time I blog.
Who cares.

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