lesson was so boring that
Nana is like fucking lame...
she and her BROKEN SINGLISH...
oki.. let me tell u a story..
on a fine wednesday afternoon..
i was taking a train with "Carrot"
and on my way to go meet "Tomato" ..
(i wouldn't want to mention names to protect the privacy of individual)
while holding to the grab pole on the mrt, "Carrot"
and i were just happily talking away..
then i somehow realised something was like not right.
there was this SJI guy standing behind "Carrot"
and peeping into her top..
i couldn't comfirm if i was imagining things
or it may be purely conincidence..
hence i didn't pay much attention.
whenever i turn to see if he was really peeping,
he would turn and look away..
but there was this ONE LAST TIME
he was so ENGROSSED in peeping in,
that he didn't know i was staring right at him..
and guess what?
i saw him peep right into "Carrot" top
with his DISGUSTING mouth half open
and the next thing he did...
he stared down at his
i-assumed-totally-cannot-make-it PENIS ..
OH my GOD?
just the sight of that is enough to make him erect??
you FUCKING kidding me?
ok.. fine.. WHATEVER.
at Jurong East, "Carrot" alighted,
but she was unaware of the situation
even after i asked her to face
the other side while on the train.
i was supposed to alight at Jurong East too to meet "Tomato"
but i was too angry to let the matter rest
and sat all the way to BOON LAY.
well, "Tomato" and i wanted to go to Jurong Point anyway..
good thing is...
the fucked up SJI dickhead alighted at BOON LAY too.
mmm.. he seemed very relaxed cos he probably thinks that
he could get away with it
well.. typical singaporean girls WOULD let the matter rest..
it's actually quite common for girls to be touched
in the bum or boobs in the mrt/crowded places..
but how many would actually stand up for themselves
and have the courage to confront the bastard?
well.. the best they would do is probably curse
that bastard behind his back and the most tell ppl
" aiya.. I SHOULD HAVE *blah blah blah*..
I COULD HAVE * blah blah blah* "
well.. if there's so many "could-have"s and "should-have"s ,
Angelina Jolie stands no chance... Brad Pitt belongs to me..
ok.. lets not get side-track
that rotten dick face was really tall.. more than 185cm i would say..
but WHO CAREs... at least i don't..
Grace : " *points at his face* Oeii... You fucking take off your ear piece "
SJI Dick Head : " *takes off* Huh .. what? "
Grace : " What WHAT?? Don't you fucking pretend lor.
you fucking show some respect to people lor.."
SJI Dick Head : " i don't know what you talking about..."
Grace : " WHAT THE FUCK.. i fucking saw you staring at
your tiny erected penis after you stare at my friends boobs lor.. "
SJI Dick Head : * Tries to walk away *
Grace : "OEI.. YOU DON'T GO ! " * use all my strength to pull him by his bag *
( hello? he's like 20 plus cm taller than me..
i need to raise my head to talk to him can..)
SJI Dick Head : * continue to act blur lar .. DUHHH~ *
Grace : " You fucking disgusting lor. NO need to deny lor!
you think you can fucking get away with it?!
You're from SJI right.. I'm gonna fucking write in to your school !
You cannot get away with it ! fancy doing such disgusting thing.
looking at you makes me feel SO OFFENDED lor !
okii.. i know i keep repeating " fucking" but i am
like so angry that i couldn't speak properly already...
this was the view that son of a bitch was having..
how can he abuse his height and DO SUCH THING !!
tall guys you better watch out for me.
i am not going to fucking let you off ..
cause i am not a freaking typical singaporean girl
well.. i'm not a singaporean to start with anyway.
* gua gua ~ *
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