hi.. just having some thoughts to share with all.
i've been commented on me and my " commercialised " blog.
in case anyone of you think that
Grace's Blog is so full of commercialisation.
hello ? * knock knock *
i don't even earn through blogging.
how " commercialised " can i possibly get?
those people think that my entries are mostly just trying to hit the quota of my
" readers' satisfaction"
which means that i do not blog for myself but just for the sake of entertaining the readers .
i don't get it.
aren't blogs supposed to be entertaining ?
Do all entertaining blogs ultimately promote commercialism?
why would i try so hard just to please my readers.
not as if they'll buy me a car
or bless me with a happy marriage with an active sex life.
moreover, i believe most of my readers are the friends around me
and i know they would drop frequent visits to my blog.
so what's the point of me blogging " commercially " ?
call me a freak or sicko if you like. * if you dare, i'll lock you outta my blog *
i get uber entertained by my own blog.
everyday if i've got nothing better to do.
i'll just open up
graciexx.blogspot.com <<< i don't know why i'll link this up too.
and start reading my own posts over and over again.
i may not be good at blogging.
i just have this passion for blogging...
isn't that what all it takes?
and everytime after i've published a post.
i'll be dying to publish another one.
but i've just got nothing else to blog ! * gua gua~ *
alright. lets just find an ultimate solution to this.
and get this matter settled once and for all.
if you really hate commercialism so much
and my blog happen to be under your
" you-have-a-fucking-commercialised-blog " list
then so be it..
it's fine with me.. (because i think it's just pure jealousy)
i'm just promoting "commercialism" not communism
i've got no reasons or INTERESTS
to force you to stay on this bloody "commercialised" blog...
so just gently close the window and curse me behind my back.
i don't mind.
but just take note backstabbers go to hell and
all your boyfriends will hit on your best friends..
ya ya ya. . .
go ahead go ahead..
continue thinking what a fiendish bitch i am...
so what?
can you do a better job than me..
and yes, you're right.
i am so mean.
and yes, i am the kind of bitch who would dig your wound with my fingers nails, tie you under a burette and titrate lemon juice on it.
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