Saturday, March 27

Everyone hates the Weird kid

I'm not trying to start a suicidal
(Look.. COLOURS. Totally not suicidal.)
cult here.

But when I was young, I'll try out different ways to commit suicide, well, once in a blue moon.

Actually I just wanna know how a near-death experience feels like.

Once, I tried suffocating myself with a pillow after watching some mediacorp drama.

Cause some rich dying old man was lying in the hospital and suffocated with a pillow by his evil son.

I swear I thought the whole process was supposed last for less than 15 seconds.

In the scene, it was like
*dong dong chiang~*

I did all of the above actions.

After 30 seconds...

I started shoving the
motherfucking pillow outta my face
and pant like a dog.

What can I say.
Fuck you, Mediacorp.

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