oki.. its lik 3.38 am now .. i m lik DEAD BEAT ...
but i m jus too tempted to publish a post..
i dun wanna disappoint u guys~ *Awwww~*
i wan u to wake up and gets the privilege to read my new post THE FIRST TING IN THE MORNIN~! ^^
...mmx.. well. or rather the first ting u read when u on ur lappy ! ..
* in case ppl in places lik north pole tries to read my blog but has day-night difference *
on top of that...
its a special occasion today.
Happy Birthday Jasmine !!
Hey! whats with that stare.
i didnt do Nothing .
they are just honest ppl.
sat at coffee bean waiting for Zl to cab down to holland v.
something terrible terrible Happen!
We Started To CamWhore.. ! * gua gua~*
it seems lik the birthday bitch * teahhh~! * girl i meant, wans some space of her own.
so guess whats NEXT?!

Its Put-A-Peace-Sign-And-Take-A-Pic-With-Lousy-2-Mega-Pixel-Camera-Time~!!

jus a normal pic.
but Gosh..! don i look GOrgeOus over there.
* play powerpuff girls song *
Fightin' Crime
Tryin' to save the World
Here They come Just In Time.
The Gundu Idiots~~~
* Dang! Dang! Dang!*
i'm the famous food critic, miss Grace Elegant Ooi
Today, i've come forward to Sushi Tei all there way from my homeland . . .
Teck Whye.
* Dong~!! *
The Below Is Only A Story Made Up.
Please Take Note That The Ppl Involved May Be More Stupid In Real Life.
" aiya what to eat neh, jass "
" i think i will take this one , this one and this one... ^^ * point point point* "
" *Dang~! * u've ordered soy sauce, wasabi and ginger... =.= "
" *Dang~! * u've ordered soy sauce, wasabi and ginger... =.= "
well... it may not look nice here...
But In Reality,
its really not nice..

First, u bio me.

den, u chio mi mi.. .
mus be carryin a torch for me...
* flip through records *
That's Admirer No. #126936

First , i sense Vengeance.. .
den i saw fire in her eyes...
den i pleaded for a thunderstorm to put out the flame.
* kiang kiang~~~! *

You're Coming Home With ME!
WHO's The Cool One Here~!

or him. =.=
Den now u tell me..
What's the diff between . . .. .
zl assumes it was the eyes..
lets jus pretend we did see the difference then....

if u can draw as well as me in paint...
den go ahead laaa~

i was almost anxious to death.
ok.. not death maybe... biting nails perhaps?

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