Sunday, August 21

infinity pain

Heart is burnt.

And left a hole..

So deep it's almost like it can never be filled.



What are friends?

How come I don't see any now?


Monday, August 15


I know this problem existed eons ago.

But I didn't realise the severity of the situation until recently.

I've got what is known as phone phobia.

Ridiculous? Maybe.

I have fear and problem picking up the phone


Dialing is fine... Well.. at least not as bad.

My heart panics when the phone rings.

I'll silent the ringtone and flip the phone face-down.

Sometimes I will stare at the ringing phone and secretly pray for the caller to hang up/to be directed to voicemail (which ever comes first)

I know it gets really annoying for the people around me.

I totally get that a lot.

Telling them bout my phone phobia issue will just appear to be a feeble attempt to justify for my annoying forever-not-picking-up-calls behavior.

The fact is, they really don't understand it gets really hard for me to push down on the green 'Answer' button.

There's just NO WAY around..

What's the hardest part?


I can't enjoy a phone session with anybody..

I would rather opt for a make-out session in exchange.

Each second on the phone makes me feel nervous and I'll end up being mentally worn-out after each call.

I get stressed and blabber nonsense when the caller has the intention of holding a 3458742 hours phone call.
LIKA WTH + OMG + NBCB + Ritz Apple Strudel.

I think I'll lose all my friends one day and I can only get married to a deaf/mute person.


Monday, August 1

Lifeless smile

Your heart is so empty that you can no longer tell if it hurts.


It's funny how you wanna 'turn to someone' when you're down only to realise you've spun 360 degrees round and found no one.