Friday, August 6

Doggie problems

I'm really not used to being in contact with my dog's 鸡鸡.

And I have a question to ask.

Dear whoever out there that has a dog,
had a dog
simply treat your younger siblings like dogs,

Is it normal for young puppies to gnaw and chew on you?

Or maybe it's just plain hatred.


Irrelevant things are relevant

Dunch lyke datz nehhsz.

Cummx baq n readd moiix blogx lehhxz.

Sorrix worzx. Verii bz sho ii neberx updatexs.

I like to look at mature and pretty looking ah lians.

But i scared they "OEI KUA LAN JIAO" me.

I don't like to look at secondary school small ah lians.

Cause I scared they "waiixz euuzx lookinxs at miiex" me.

I will throw up.

Like A Long Never Blog.

Why would people wanna type 'Hawt' instead of 'Hot'?

Like.. "That guy is so HAWT."

H-O-T = 3 letters
H-A-W-T = 4 motherfuckin-bloody-ccb-knn-wtf-hair-ripping-nipple-pinching-balls-kicking letters

For WHAT?!

Wait let me try.

Verii funnx mehzxs? ii dunchx lykezx sialzxs. Shoo steppzx onee patternzxs. Euu goo relacxz onez cornerr pluckz armpitzx hairrx okiiez. MuUackieszx jieex moiis 4everxz.

And I saw a fail case on facebook today.

"I can't get Vanness Wu outta my head! He's so hwat! ♥"


=..= You failed.